Hi, I’m Ann Pershing…..

…the owner of Show Simply Home Staging.  I have been staging homes in the Midlothian, Virginia area for over nine years and am considered an expert when it comes to Pre-Listing Consultations.

One of the reasons I created this training is because most stagers are able to go into an empty house and make it look fabulous since they are selecting everything from the furniture to the accessories. Yet, many stagers are at a loss working with occupied homes and trying to design with the client’s furnishings.

Not only do stagers need to have a trained eye to notice what changes should be made, but also have the communication skills that inspire homeowners to do the work. Pre-Listing Consultations are very relational and require sales, motivational and empathetic skills to be successful. 

My degree in Communications and 25 years of management consulting experience have given me the tools necessary to be an effective coach for my clients— securing the client and the real estate agent who represents them top dollar for their homes.

I’m excited to share with you my knowledge, insights, experience, and passion in these trainings, and can’t wait to see your successes as a Pre-listing Consultation Specialist!